The purpose for which this wiki had been created has not been an issue for a few years and only remains temporarily as an historical document.

When creating a new page for the Koha Large Document Wiki, please follow the new page creation note.


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start [2009/10/05 18:26]
start [2013/06/05 11:35] (current)
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 ======Important New Page Creation Note.====== ======Important New Page Creation Note.======
-If creating a new page for this wiki, please first create a matching page at a matching location in the main Koha Developer Wiki.  If you can wait until after the problematic issues are corrected on the main Koha Developer Wiki before adding new pages, then you may avoid the need for the extra steps now specified.+Please do not create any pages in this wiki unless needed for readability where the main Koha Developer Wiki will not satisfy
 +If creating a new page for this Koha Large Document Wiki, please first create a matching page at a matching location in the main Koha Developer Wiki.  While some content might only appear in the Koha Large Document wiki for readability,​ there should be a symmetry of pages and namespaces between both wikis for any content created for the Koha Large Document Wiki.  Only the content of the matching pages and namespaces would differ where between the two wikis. ​ If you can wait until after the problematic issues are corrected on the main Koha Developer Wiki before adding new pages, then you may avoid the need for the extra steps now specified.
-=====Linking Within Each Wiki.=====+ 
 +=====Page and Namespace Creation, and Linking Within Each Wiki.=====
 In both the main Koha Developer Wiki page and this supplementary Koha Large Document Wiki, create a point of access to your new page in the namespace page above just above the link including the relative namespace path from that point. In both the main Koha Developer Wiki page and this supplementary Koha Large Document Wiki, create a point of access to your new page in the namespace page above just above the link including the relative namespace path from that point.
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 <​code>​[[your_new_page]] <​code>​[[your_new_page]]
 Brief summary of your new page.</​code>​ Brief summary of your new page.</​code>​
 +Namespaces in the Koha Large Document Wiki should only have content relevant to documents included in this wiki or should otherwise link back to the main Koha Developer Wiki.  [The Koha Large Document Wiki is a supplement to the main Koha Developer Wiki, not a fork.] ​
 Please follow other guidance given in the [[http://​​doku.php?​id=en:​wiki:​namespace_tutorial|Koha Wiki Contributors'​ Namespace Tutorial]] in the Main Koha Developer Wiki. Please follow other guidance given in the [[http://​​doku.php?​id=en:​wiki:​namespace_tutorial|Koha Wiki Contributors'​ Namespace Tutorial]] in the Main Koha Developer Wiki.
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 =====Title Headings.===== =====Title Headings.=====
-On both the main Koha Developer Wiki page and the content holding page in this supplementary Koha Large Document Wiki, include an initial heading ​with the page.+On both the main Koha Developer Wiki page and the content holding page in this supplementary Koha Large Document Wiki, include an initial heading ​in the page before any other content.
 <​code>​======Title of Your New Page.======</​code>​ <​code>​======Title of Your New Page.======</​code>​
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 This title will appear instead of the wiki namespace for the page in wiki navigation links. This title will appear instead of the wiki namespace for the page in wiki navigation links.
-Please include a brief sentence summarising ​the page content on both wikis if needed.+Please include a brief summary of the page content on both wikis if needed.

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