The purpose for which this wiki had been created has not been an issue for a few years and only remains temporarily as an historical document.

When creating a new page for the Koha Large Document Wiki, please follow the new page creation note.


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start [2012/05/15 17:06]
start [2013/06/05 11:35] (current)
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 for large document support.</​code>​ for large document support.</​code>​
-Hi to all on this site its content+=====Careful Matching Between the Wikis.===== 
 +Be certain that all the needed namespace pages spearated by colons in the URL are present in both wikis or create them so the locations in the URL after ?id= are identical for the page in both wikis. 
 +We do not want to fork the Koha Developer Wiki but merely supplement it.  When problems for large document support in the Koha Developer Wiki have been corrected, ​all content ​from this wiki will be moved back to the main wiki and this wiki will be closed. ​ We expect to move the page edit history back as well if we can manage. ​  
 ======DokuWiki Syntax Information.====== ======DokuWiki Syntax Information.======
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  * [[http://​​namespaces|Namespace]] describes %%Dokuwiki%% namespaces and their syntax in detail. ​  * [[http://​​namespaces|Namespace]] describes %%Dokuwiki%% namespaces and their syntax in detail. ​
-  +
- * [[http://​​index.php|writing service]]+
 =====Wiki Syntax Hint.===== =====Wiki Syntax Hint.=====
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 The Monobook stylesheet together with enhancements may not be more aesthetically appealing than the default DokuWiki stylesheet if one is not attempting to actually read or edit the content but is certainly more aesthetically appealing when usability is a vital component of aesthetic apprehension. The Monobook stylesheet together with enhancements may not be more aesthetically appealing than the default DokuWiki stylesheet if one is not attempting to actually read or edit the content but is certainly more aesthetically appealing when usability is a vital component of aesthetic apprehension.
-SEE: [[http://​ | jeux de casino en ligne]] 

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