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wiki:dokuwiki [2011/02/23 14:47]
wiki:dokuwiki [2017/08/23 18:24] (current)
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 ====== DokuWiki ====== ====== DokuWiki ======
-[[doku>​wiki:​dokuwiki|{{wiki:​dokuwiki-128.png }}]] DokuWiki is a standards compliant, ​simple to use [[wp>Wiki]], mainly aimed at creating documentation of any kind. It is targeted at developer teams, workgroups ​and small companies. It has a simple but powerful ​[[wiki:​syntax]] ​which makes sure the datafiles remain readable outside the Wiki and eases the creation ​of structured texts. All data is stored in plain text files -- no database is required.+[[doku>​wiki:​dokuwiki|{{wiki:​dokuwiki-128.png }}]] DokuWiki is a simple to use and highly versatile Open Source ​[[wp>wiki]] software that doesn'​t require a database. It is loved by users for its clean and readable ​[[wiki:​syntax]]. The ease of maintenance,​ backup and integration ​makes it an administrator'​s favorite. Built in [[doku>​acl|access controls]] and [[doku>​auth|authentication connectors]] make DokuWiki especially useful in the enterprise context ​and the large number ​of [[doku>​plugins]] contributed by its vibrant community allow for a broad range of use cases beyond a traditional wiki.
 Read the [[doku>​manual|DokuWiki Manual]] to unleash the full power of DokuWiki. Read the [[doku>​manual|DokuWiki Manual]] to unleash the full power of DokuWiki.
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 ===== Download ===== ===== Download =====
-DokuWiki is available at is available at
-Click this [[http://​​custom-essay.html | college essays]].. 
 ===== Read More ===== ===== Read More =====
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   * [[doku>​requirements|System Requirements]]   * [[doku>​requirements|System Requirements]]
-  * [[|Download DokuWiki]] :!:+  * [[​|Download DokuWiki]] :!:
   * [[doku>​changes|Change Log]]   * [[doku>​changes|Change Log]]
   * [[doku>​Install|How to install or upgrade]] :!:   * [[doku>​Install|How to install or upgrade]] :!:
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 **DokuWiki Feedback and Community** **DokuWiki Feedback and Community**
-  * [[doku>​mailinglist|Join the mailing list]] ​:!:+  ​* [[doku>​newsletter|Subscribe to the newsletter]] :!: 
 +  ​* [[doku>​mailinglist|Join the mailing list]]
   * [[http://​|Check out the user forum]]   * [[http://​|Check out the user forum]]
   * [[doku>​irc|Talk to other users in the IRC channel]]   * [[doku>​irc|Talk to other users in the IRC channel]]
-  * [[​project=1|Submit bugs and feature wishes]]+  * [[​issues|Submit bugs and feature wishes]]
   * [[http://​​forum/​viewforum.php?​id=10|Share your experiences in the WikiMatrix forum]]   * [[http://​​forum/​viewforum.php?​id=10|Share your experiences in the WikiMatrix forum]]
   * [[doku>​thanks|Some humble thanks]]   * [[doku>​thanks|Some humble thanks]]
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 ===== Copyright ===== ===== Copyright =====
-2004-2009 (c) Andreas Gohr <​>​((Please do not contact me for help and support -- use the [[doku>​mailinglist]] or [[http://​|forum]] instead))+2004-2015 (c) Andreas Gohr <​>​((Please do not contact me for help and support -- use the [[doku>​mailinglist]] or [[http://​|forum]] instead)) ​and the DokuWiki Community
 The DokuWiki engine is licensed under [[http://​​licenses/​gpl.html|GNU General Public License]] Version 2. If you use DokuWiki in your company, consider [[doku>​donate|donating]] a few bucks ;-). The DokuWiki engine is licensed under [[http://​​licenses/​gpl.html|GNU General Public License]] Version 2. If you use DokuWiki in your company, consider [[doku>​donate|donating]] a few bucks ;-).
-The content published in the DokuWiki at http://​​ is licensed under the [[http://​​|dissertation writing services]][[http://​​licenses/​by-nc-sa/​2.0/​|Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License]] Version 2.0. +Not sure what this means? See the [[doku>​faq:​license|FAQ on the Licenses]].
- +
-An exception is made for the content which distributed in the download tarball((files inside the ''​data''​ directory -- eg: ''​dokuwiki.txt'',​ ''​syntax.txt'',​ ''​dokuwiki-128.png''​)) which is, for compatibility reasons, licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2 as well. +
- +
-Not sure what this means? See the [[doku>​faq:​license|FAQ on the Licenses]] and [[http://​|essays uk]].+

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